I want to say that my posting today is not going to hit people very well.. BUT..... I think that I will explode if I do not blog about this. I want to start off by saying. I am not a Republican or a Democrat. About 5 years back I was sick of the Party Crap!! And yes, I think it is crap!!!!!!! I changed to a independent. I vote for who I want, Not what some party that I am affiliated with wants to help tell me to vote for and has a mission statement that I have to live by or agree too. I stand for what our forefather's stood for FREEDOM and everything that our Forefathers stood for the day we became this Great Nation. I vote for who I feel will help us as a country and do the best job. I will make 4 things very clear right up front. #1. I voted for Bush both elections. #2. I voted for Obama this past election. #3 Hanniy gets paid to BLAH BLAH BLAH on the Tv and Radio. #4 Limbaugh is a drug addict. Since when did LDS people or anyone for that matter ever start listening to Drug Addicts for inportant information? I just want those 4 things known upfront. I think that another Republican would of had my vote had they been on the ballot. But in these great times in our world. I look for the lesser of the 2 evils. This is who I felt was the man for me. With that a side here is my posting...
I am LDS. I live in a Republican state. I know allot of Lds living in and out of state that are Democrats. So to say if you are LDS you are Republican is a joke to me. I hear this to much in the state I live in. People we have members out side of the USA. They are neither. I have heard much talk about Obama since he has taken up office in the Big House from people here in Utah. Mostly negative. Mostly repeated stuff from Drugbaugh or Blahity.
First off.... I am a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Do you really think that if I got all my information about the Church from non members and those that stand outside of the Conference building on Conference weekend that I would be a member today in this wonderful Church??? Think about that. Where would I be right now. I would tell you I most likely would not be married to Ken, anymore, I would not be sealed to my family, and all my kids would not be LDS either. Well that is a pretty big lose in my life now wouldn't it be. My life was forever changed by not listening to the negative publication, negative speakers and preachers that would love to stir me up and want nothing to do with the LDS Church. Where did I go to get a testimony? Well, I took the LDS Lessons, I prayed, and I looked around and felt the spirit in all the other members that touched my life and helped me to make a big decision. I did not go listen to street preachers, I did not listen to or read negative pamphlets about the church. I went to the source. Wow the source is what changed my mind. Do I always agree and do I always do what I should. Of course not. I would be beamed up by now if I did. Does anymore around us do all they are to do? NO. Or they would be beamed up too. There is no beaming going on here. We all make mistakes and all have faults. It is Human we are all Human.
Did Bush make a great decision when he took regulations out of the banking system and out of the stock market? No!! We now see that it was not a good decision. He did what he thought was best. If he knew that we would be in this crisis now do you think he would still of made those 2 costly mistakes? Well I think NOT! But he was acting on information he had and what he thought was the right decision to make. Where all his decisions in office terrible? No of course not. Did he make some costly ones? Yes he did we are living it now. Also Greed in Americans who saw what they could do with the course of action Bush had taken exploited the new found deregulation and profited from them.
This is the sad truth. Americans are greedy. They love money. They love to be the Jones or try to be the Jones. If they did not we would not be in this mess. Everyone bought and profited from deregulation. I did. I loved the money that flowed into my house because of this. I am sure you did. Would you of still done, bought , and did what you did when times were good if you would have known what would be the end result? Maybe maybe not. I am not here to judge. I would hope to say I would not of but you never know.
Obama is making changes, change upsets some people. Some people hate change. Obama is doing what he was elected to do. He is running the country. Obama received this mess. He did not create this mess. It landed on him with his new job. He is trying to do what is Best for our Country. In the way he sees that will best help us. He is not trying to destroy us. Either was Bush trying to destroy us. Obama has made a few decisions that people are scared of and are not sure of. Some people are happy as a Lark about what he is doing. But Drugbaugh and Blahity. This is where this all is crazy to me. They are paid people to stir you up and get ratings so they can have a job next week too. They are paid to straight up cause havoc and report to you what they can to stir you up and get you on their side. Much like the Devil does. What ever happened to "WE Support our Leaders"I was taught in this Church that we support our Leaders in Church and in our Country. I support our leaders!!!!!!! If we bad mouth and talk terrible about everyone and everything that we do not like in this Church, and Country... Where would we be today? Not in a good place. But we listen to people that send emails and listen to TV and talk show radio host. They are paid to stir the pot. They are not looking out for us they are making money and posting ratings. They are not in our best interest. I can find on any given day 2 kinds of people on the TV, radio, and emails. Those that can prove the right side and those that can prove the left side of things. Both sound great! both have points. Both are not looking out for us. Both are about ratings, and money. Not everything anyone does is ever liked by All the people, All of the time. We have free agency to choose to listen, watch, and read this crap. And it is crap. Do you see them ever talking about how awesome this or that is? No it is mostly negative and mind manipulating. Then you go repeat what you hear and stir the pot among your Circe of friends, and family. Yes it is stirring as of late.. I have not heard one good thing about Obama from some people in this state that have let the media tell them what is going on. You guys are believing what you hear and see. What ever happened to not taking what people of the world want to tell you as gospel. It is not Gospel. It is crap. Some is true but it is always mixed with crap!!! They spin it to make ratings. You would not believe the things I hear from people and they believe it. I have people tell me crap all the time. And it is mostly crap that has some truth to it but mixed with ratings. I thought we were people of Truth? I thought we did not fall into the appearance of Evil?? I thought that we are taught to ponder(search) Pray (pray to Heavenly Father to know what to do and what we can do to help our country in need) ????????? I thought that we were against evil speaking of ours? I thought we were people of righteousness, and vi true? I thought that we seek out the truth and we listen to no false leaders? I thought that we are taught to love and be loved. I thought we were taught to trust in the Lord and to pray for our leaders and to support them? I thought we were a church of greatness and uplifting thoughts and feelings. I thought we love our enemies and we help them into there quest to do what is right? I did not think that we listen to people that want to further their gain, mix truth with Miss truths, tear down others to make them look better, talk negative and repeat to all that will listen. Well I am not listening anymore. Do not send me a email, talk to me about, or ask me if I listen to Hannity or Limbaugh today. I want non of it. I want us all to stand together and pray for the man that leads this country. Help him and others in any Way we can. Do our part to get us out of this mess. Go buy something spend some money. Negative gets negative. Positive gets positive. We need to be positive as a nation. We need to be positive for our Church! We need to be positive for our Families. We need to put trash where trash belongs. Lets bring each other up in positive thinking. Do you really want to spread around how bad everything is or is going to be? Or do you want to start thinking positive and make others positive around you? I know who is negative and I have fallen into this when I was upset with Bush. But did it do any good?? NO IT DID NOT! The sad truth is we our Country is in trouble. But... talking negative is not going to help anyone. Has Hannity or Limbaugh ever did anything that changed our country? No they have not!!!!!!!! Nothing they have said or done has help country. The are paid to talk and talk they do. They are not uplifting. They are not good for our souls. You are wasting your time watching or listening to them or anyone else that wants to tear down our minds. Lets rise up and listen to positive people and positive messages. Shouldn't you be reading your Book of Mormon for that hour? OR watching BYU Devotionals? There is so much more we can do with our time. If you want to know what is going on in this country they are not the ones to find it from. Research it yourself. Find the source not the tyrant. I want to know that this country will be uplifted by my actions and thoughts. I am praying for our country and the leaders in our Church and in our Government. As you should be doing also. Spread a message of hope and good to all the people that really do not want to hear about Hannity or Limbaugh. Because it is about them not about our President. They do nothing to help anyone but them selves. Tell me a story about your mission or give me a recipe for your best cake. Ask me to go to the temple with you, smile at me and let me know that you are happy! Don't fill my mind with anger, or negativity. I DO NOT want that from ANYONE!!!!! ANYMORE!!!!!! Stand for Turth and Righteousness!!!!