I can hardly believe that the year has come to a end and another year is here on our door step. It has been a heart warming, heart breaking, life defining, and fun year too. So much happened this year. I went through all the emotions that a person could in a life time this year.
All in all it was a good year with a few set backs. Parts of it I would love to repeat parts I would never want to repeat. I had to make a few hard decisions this year that some did not understand and judged me for it. Others stood by me and helped me through a rough time. I found out that right is right and wrong is wrong no matter how you look at it. What you allow in your life can effect others and you need to always live the Principals of the Gospel. I learned that from the saddest moment that hearts can heal and good will come out of a terrible loss. Life goes on and it may be hard but Heavenly Father loves us all and he is there with us. I formed a Summer Field Trip Club. It was allot of fun and I really enjoyed it. This year brought great blessings to my family and I. The journey of 2009 was a good journey. I learned much and I am better for what I went through and stronger for it also. I am very blessed and I hope that I can bless the lives of other this coming year.
I have allot of goals for 2010. I am ready to start the new year. I am really excited for all that will come my way this coming year. Changes are coming to my family, I have a list of fun things I want to do this year, and most important I just plan on being a better person this year.
I am so thankful for all my family and friends. With out them and the Gospel my life would not be what it is today.
Life is truly what you make of it. Choices you make today can effect you for the rest of your life. So let all of them be good ones. Pray often, love much, and hold your love ones close. I love you all and hope all of our journeys this coming year are good ones.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
I am so excited for Christmas. It seems like I just posted 75 days till Christmas on my Facebook. Wow time does fly. I have so much fun planned this Holiday Season. I guess that is the story of my life...plan...plan...plan...
I have just been enjoying my family for the past few months. We just celebrated Nicholas 18th Birthday!! That was a fun time.. I cannot believe he is already 18. I am going to have a hard time with him leaving home. Taylor is 16 and just past his drivers test. He is all kinds of excited. I am all kinds of scared!!!!
Chrissy and her family are doing great too. Went over to her house today and helped her decorate for the Holidays. Yes she is my daughter and she did not deco till today..It is sad!
Ken bought me a new tree this year. Nice very Nice. He is such a good man to me. I am very blessed to have a man that does as much as he does. I am currently working on a trip to Italy for my Christmas present. I think that I am there. Just the 2 of us. No kids!
So much going on so much to do. i will post pics later. Also I updated the Field Trip Blog too.
I have just been enjoying my family for the past few months. We just celebrated Nicholas 18th Birthday!! That was a fun time.. I cannot believe he is already 18. I am going to have a hard time with him leaving home. Taylor is 16 and just past his drivers test. He is all kinds of excited. I am all kinds of scared!!!!
Chrissy and her family are doing great too. Went over to her house today and helped her decorate for the Holidays. Yes she is my daughter and she did not deco till today..It is sad!
Ken bought me a new tree this year. Nice very Nice. He is such a good man to me. I am very blessed to have a man that does as much as he does. I am currently working on a trip to Italy for my Christmas present. I think that I am there. Just the 2 of us. No kids!
So much going on so much to do. i will post pics later. Also I updated the Field Trip Blog too.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friends Make Life a whole lot Sweeter!!

I have been doing so much this summer. I was thinking today how great the summer was. It ended on a hard note and I have had a few issues in the past 2 months. I just hate it when your faith is tried and you have to stand up for what is right. It is never popular and some never really understand but it is OK, I have decided right is right and wrong is wrong. I learned allot this summer. That I am stronger then I thought and I have a stronger testimony from it.
As I had to make some hard decisions at the end, it still all ended with me knowing that it was a fun filled and life changing summer.
I have some of the best friends in the church. I am really blessed. We have enjoyed so much this summer. I love them all. Each one is a testimony to me that Heavenly Father really does love me.
I want to thank all that enjoyed there summer with me The trips, the picnic, the friendship. It all was awesome. You guys are a great bunch of girls.
i want to get a photo of all of us girls in front of the temple so I can put it on my blog for my book I am making at the end of the year. That is where I think all us women look the best. We all are truly "Sisters in Zion".
Someday when we are are old and grey, I hope that we'll be sharing stories of summers past and memories that we have built with each other over the years.
As I had to make some hard decisions at the end, it still all ended with me knowing that it was a fun filled and life changing summer.
I have some of the best friends in the church. I am really blessed. We have enjoyed so much this summer. I love them all. Each one is a testimony to me that Heavenly Father really does love me.
I want to thank all that enjoyed there summer with me The trips, the picnic, the friendship. It all was awesome. You guys are a great bunch of girls.
i want to get a photo of all of us girls in front of the temple so I can put it on my blog for my book I am making at the end of the year. That is where I think all us women look the best. We all are truly "Sisters in Zion".
Someday when we are are old and grey, I hope that we'll be sharing stories of summers past and memories that we have built with each other over the years.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Had a great weekend in Vernal! It was a fun time and the last over nighter we had with the field trip group. Fun times and thanks to all that helped make our summer a fun one. Fall is coming and I am so excited for hte next season to be here.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Life and the loops thrown at us. Define who we are.
Sometimes life sends us for a loop. Then we try and try to get through the loop. As you are trying and trying you sometimes do not realize there is more then one way to get through the loop. That is where we learn the meaning of life and our place here and how our path is going to get us to the other side. Head on is the best. But some go their own way never fully learning what life had to teach them.
We all experience loops in life. The good old saying "That through us for a loop" Don't look to long for one they will come soon enough. To experience one of these lessons in the loops of life trials is not only life changing sometimes but life defining. As I look to see and go through the last loop I was thrown I also look around and notice others loops. Some are bigger some are smaller. But we all get them from time to time.
The lesson to learn is how to get through the loop. Some loops appear to be huge but that does not mean you can just walk through it. You may not learn, grow. grieve, and continue for awhile. the bigger the loop thrown at you the longer the and bigger the lesson you learn. The harder it can be to move forward. How we go throw the loop and prepare our selves for the loops that come our way defines how life comes and ends for us. We are ever changing and ever learning. We are just here but a minute and we have so much to learn and to take with us. I want to be the best me I can be. I need to be ready for what comes my way so I can learn the most and have my testimony grow. I need to stay on the path of righteousness and keep the holy ghost with me. Life is hard enough not to at least follow the path laid out for us.
Richard and Cheryl were prepared for the loop that came there way. They taught their kids the Gospel, they were baptised, and they took their family to be sealed together forever, they taught their kids that life will not always be easy, they showed them hard, times, good times, and love. They made them strong and headed them into the right path.
When you get a loop thrown at you on the right path you deal with it easier, you grow from it sooner, and you land with both feet on the ground and the holy ghost right next to you. When you are not taught the true principals you may not know what to look for how to get to the other side of the loop, it may so life changing you never get back up to try again. You just do not know why or what purpose it served. Only that God must hate me and for that reason. I am am done. How sad the life that stops at the loop. How rewarding the life that keeps going and conquers all the loops thrown at him.
I am not sure why loops come to us and not others or others and not us. I just know that the loops thrown at me are real, they hurt, they knock me down for a minute, they feel like they take away from who we are sometimes. I guess getting through the loop and on my way down the path again is how my life will be defined.
There are many parts of the loop, the actual placing of the loop, the how do I do this, the how come this is happening to me, the what am i to learn from this, did you really mean to do this to me or am i in the cross fire, will i ever be the same again, the i hurt so bad how do i mend my broken heart, the show me the way through the loop and pray it comes soon, and the look back at the loop and know that he loves us and he cares for us.
1. Placing of the Loop.... They are always placed when you do not need them. They are placed where Heavenly Father allows and there only. The devil is not doing this to us. Even though it feels like someone hates us.
2. How do I do this? That throws us alone. You sit up and wonder now what, how do I do this? It should be how do we do this? The only way I know is to turn to God, Family, and the church. There is no other way to do this. it will not work. You need guidance ,direction, and love to get through the hoop.
3. How come this is happening to me? I was told of a man that said "Why not me" Once you ask yourself that. I believe you realize that no one is more precious then the other. Why not me?
If you go around asking why me your whole life you will feel cheated. You will hold resentment, and not be able to learn what you needed to learn to be the spirit that you were meant to be. this is happening to me because it will make me stronger, I will learn from it, and I can help someone else get through the same hoop sometime in my life. this is what God dealt me and i am going to get through this. Do not ask why me unless you really want the answer. WHY NOT YOU?
4. I hurt so bad how do I mend this broken heart. You do not mend it you fill it. With memories, love, and the spirit. In time the Lord mends it and you are filled with the 3 things that you wanted all along. We do not mend it the Lord does in his time. We fill it he mends it. Together we fix it and and we have a bigger heart in the end. Your heart reaches out to others and helps them in their time of need.
5. Show me the way through the loop, and pray it comes soon. The only way to get through the loop and learn what we need is through praying. He will show us and he will take us through the loop we just need to ask. But remember the timing is not ours it is his. but he will stay by us till the end.
6. I just learned more then I thought possible and I love more then I thought I could, and i am thankful for the journey that I am taking through the loops of life. I am a better spirit for it. I may not agree with my loops I have been dealt, but I am thankful for the life defining lesson's they teach me. I pray that they will grow me strong, and raise me up on the morning of the first Resurrection with my loving husband and family. In the end that is all that matters. That my loops get me where I need to go. Back to my Heavenly Father and with my Eternal Family.
We all experience loops in life. The good old saying "That through us for a loop" Don't look to long for one they will come soon enough. To experience one of these lessons in the loops of life trials is not only life changing sometimes but life defining. As I look to see and go through the last loop I was thrown I also look around and notice others loops. Some are bigger some are smaller. But we all get them from time to time.
The lesson to learn is how to get through the loop. Some loops appear to be huge but that does not mean you can just walk through it. You may not learn, grow. grieve, and continue for awhile. the bigger the loop thrown at you the longer the and bigger the lesson you learn. The harder it can be to move forward. How we go throw the loop and prepare our selves for the loops that come our way defines how life comes and ends for us. We are ever changing and ever learning. We are just here but a minute and we have so much to learn and to take with us. I want to be the best me I can be. I need to be ready for what comes my way so I can learn the most and have my testimony grow. I need to stay on the path of righteousness and keep the holy ghost with me. Life is hard enough not to at least follow the path laid out for us.
Richard and Cheryl were prepared for the loop that came there way. They taught their kids the Gospel, they were baptised, and they took their family to be sealed together forever, they taught their kids that life will not always be easy, they showed them hard, times, good times, and love. They made them strong and headed them into the right path.
When you get a loop thrown at you on the right path you deal with it easier, you grow from it sooner, and you land with both feet on the ground and the holy ghost right next to you. When you are not taught the true principals you may not know what to look for how to get to the other side of the loop, it may so life changing you never get back up to try again. You just do not know why or what purpose it served. Only that God must hate me and for that reason. I am am done. How sad the life that stops at the loop. How rewarding the life that keeps going and conquers all the loops thrown at him.
I am not sure why loops come to us and not others or others and not us. I just know that the loops thrown at me are real, they hurt, they knock me down for a minute, they feel like they take away from who we are sometimes. I guess getting through the loop and on my way down the path again is how my life will be defined.
There are many parts of the loop, the actual placing of the loop, the how do I do this, the how come this is happening to me, the what am i to learn from this, did you really mean to do this to me or am i in the cross fire, will i ever be the same again, the i hurt so bad how do i mend my broken heart, the show me the way through the loop and pray it comes soon, and the look back at the loop and know that he loves us and he cares for us.
1. Placing of the Loop.... They are always placed when you do not need them. They are placed where Heavenly Father allows and there only. The devil is not doing this to us. Even though it feels like someone hates us.
2. How do I do this? That throws us alone. You sit up and wonder now what, how do I do this? It should be how do we do this? The only way I know is to turn to God, Family, and the church. There is no other way to do this. it will not work. You need guidance ,direction, and love to get through the hoop.
3. How come this is happening to me? I was told of a man that said "Why not me" Once you ask yourself that. I believe you realize that no one is more precious then the other. Why not me?
If you go around asking why me your whole life you will feel cheated. You will hold resentment, and not be able to learn what you needed to learn to be the spirit that you were meant to be. this is happening to me because it will make me stronger, I will learn from it, and I can help someone else get through the same hoop sometime in my life. this is what God dealt me and i am going to get through this. Do not ask why me unless you really want the answer. WHY NOT YOU?
4. I hurt so bad how do I mend this broken heart. You do not mend it you fill it. With memories, love, and the spirit. In time the Lord mends it and you are filled with the 3 things that you wanted all along. We do not mend it the Lord does in his time. We fill it he mends it. Together we fix it and and we have a bigger heart in the end. Your heart reaches out to others and helps them in their time of need.
5. Show me the way through the loop, and pray it comes soon. The only way to get through the loop and learn what we need is through praying. He will show us and he will take us through the loop we just need to ask. But remember the timing is not ours it is his. but he will stay by us till the end.
6. I just learned more then I thought possible and I love more then I thought I could, and i am thankful for the journey that I am taking through the loops of life. I am a better spirit for it. I may not agree with my loops I have been dealt, but I am thankful for the life defining lesson's they teach me. I pray that they will grow me strong, and raise me up on the morning of the first Resurrection with my loving husband and family. In the end that is all that matters. That my loops get me where I need to go. Back to my Heavenly Father and with my Eternal Family.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Buddy Buddy System with a Cherry on Top
What to do when the hurt is so real that you think you may never be the same again and the memories are so full of love and you do not want to lose not one of them? I have had the hardest week of my life. My heart aches and my mind hurts beyond words. My nephew Ty passed away and returned back to Our Heavenly Father Wednesday August 5th. One month from his 18th Birthday July 5th. My Nic's Best Friend.
I hurt for everyone that is hurting. As I drove home tonight Nic just sat there and said he wanted to be in Delta. He wanted to stay there and be close to the family and Jordan. I know he is hurting I know that he doesn't know what to do right now. How to go forward and be OK is my next lesson in life.
I want to post this picture, that reminds all of us the Buddy Buddy System is still in place just one of them in through the veil and the other two are still here with us. But as they walk side by side they all still walk together. One just walks on the side of the veil. Watching over the other two.
Our kids where more then cousins they were FRIENDS! They had a name for there friendship and it was called the Buddy Buddy System. They called it often by it's name and they exercised often what it meant to be friends, and they lived it well and always will. Ty Jordan, and Nic are truly buddies for eternity. Life has a way of shaking us up but through the Lord's Plan we will make it back together on the other side. Tell someone today you love them.
This picture is the Buddy Buddy System with a Cherry on top. Haylee just has a way of making it all OK, and she is the finishing touch. We floated the river this day with Ty and Jordan on a field trip. If I had gone on a 100 field trips this summer. This still would have been the best one of all.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Geo-Cashing ,Geo-Crashing, and finding yourself left Happy
So we had our weekly Humanitarian Day at Church it was fun. Even though I show up late and get all the talking in I need too. lol You are laughing now because you know this is true. :) We had a potluck lunch at the church after we were done tying the quilts. It is really nice sometimes to serve, visit, and eat. I think that it is a blessing to be a part of such a great Church. I have not been happier in life then I am right now. Even with all the drama that finds me. I think I could be a drama magnet this summer but..... It is OK... I am dealing with it and I am happy with all the other things going on. I am able to keep going.
I was talking to Ken today on his way home from work. (I think I talk to him more then his workers do each day) For some reason I feel the need to check in and chat.... allot! Anywhos. I was telling him that I am the happiest I have been in a long time. I just feel that all is right in the world. I really think it has to do with being OK with who I am. Happy with all the love and support I feel with my friends and family. I feel like no matter what the church is always the same. AND.... Life is what you make of it. (Thanks to Hannah Montana):) But it is really true. I want a happy, loving, and busy life so I make it that way.
On our Geo-cashing trip yesterday we had so much fun. Nick Searle joined us and finally someone that knew how to work our GPS. I knew a little, Shauna Van knew a little more, BUT Nick he knew allot. So we went all around town signing cashes and trading prizes. Ended up back at Shauna Van's at 4:30 pm. Everyone else left us and we kept going. Lexi made us snow cones when we arrived back to the house. It was awesome fun.
Shauna Van gave new meaning to Geo-cashing. We were at hunters Park and Shauna tripped on her way to help us find our next Geo-cash. Scraped up her arm as she slide down the hill a little bit. Scary moment for us all. Flip Flops and hiking someone times not such a good idea. But she Geo-crashed on our Geo-cashing trip. We decided it is called Geo-crashing if you fall during the hunt for the cash. All in All a fun day.
Last night Steve came over to get Ken to help him on his boat. Ken is the boat mechanic in the circle of friends. It makes him feel needed. It is a good thing for him. Anywho's....I ended up over at the Searle Compound to check on things when I was done running around.(because behind every great mechanic is a woman that thinks she knows more. jk) (I wish my family all lived on the same block or ward. it would be awesome.) Patti ended up down there to pick up Ellie. Brought us back Dp's it was awesome. Good things happen on the compound. :) Shauna and Bret were out cleaning their boat. So had a chit chat with friends while making sure Steve and Ken were on it. Had some good laughs. Ran for rags so that Bushman's did not have to leave the comfort of their boat while cleaning.:) jk Anywho's it was nice to spend the day with your kids and friends, then have your husband come home, and then finish the day up with service and friends. Oh and a good DP from Walkers.
That is what makes a great life.Church, service, family, and Friends. Those 4 items will give you more in life then....Money, cars, homes, or any material thing. All those items stay here when you die, but the others never change and are always there present in this life and the next. That is why I am so happy. I figured out true happiness and not material happiness. It is almost life changing.
A while back Patti gave me a picture all framed of her and I. We had a planning meeting for our field trips on my boat. The picture was taken then. I just wanted to share the picture and tell her thanks. I receive things from friends from time to time and it makes me happy too. Not the material thing but the fact that they are thinking of me and love me too. Shauna made me a calendar to keep track of each day of the week and what is going on. It is awesome. You write on it with dry expo markers. Lexi made me snow cones, all are service that was done for me. And I am thankful and honored to have such great friends. Thanks to all my friends for the service, friendship, and laughs I get to share with or receive from you. You all mean lots allot to me. Life is good! AND.......Lake Powell is just a week away and I am so excited to go........ I know this post is all over the board but had allot to say and my mind was jumping from one thing to the next.
and my blog is not posting pics right either. This is large???? I need some help from the Blogging Queen Julie.
I was talking to Ken today on his way home from work. (I think I talk to him more then his workers do each day) For some reason I feel the need to check in and chat.... allot! Anywhos. I was telling him that I am the happiest I have been in a long time. I just feel that all is right in the world. I really think it has to do with being OK with who I am. Happy with all the love and support I feel with my friends and family. I feel like no matter what the church is always the same. AND.... Life is what you make of it. (Thanks to Hannah Montana):) But it is really true. I want a happy, loving, and busy life so I make it that way.
On our Geo-cashing trip yesterday we had so much fun. Nick Searle joined us and finally someone that knew how to work our GPS. I knew a little, Shauna Van knew a little more, BUT Nick he knew allot. So we went all around town signing cashes and trading prizes. Ended up back at Shauna Van's at 4:30 pm. Everyone else left us and we kept going. Lexi made us snow cones when we arrived back to the house. It was awesome fun.
Shauna Van gave new meaning to Geo-cashing. We were at hunters Park and Shauna tripped on her way to help us find our next Geo-cash. Scraped up her arm as she slide down the hill a little bit. Scary moment for us all. Flip Flops and hiking someone times not such a good idea. But she Geo-crashed on our Geo-cashing trip. We decided it is called Geo-crashing if you fall during the hunt for the cash. All in All a fun day.
Last night Steve came over to get Ken to help him on his boat. Ken is the boat mechanic in the circle of friends. It makes him feel needed. It is a good thing for him. Anywho's....I ended up over at the Searle Compound to check on things when I was done running around.(because behind every great mechanic is a woman that thinks she knows more. jk) (I wish my family all lived on the same block or ward. it would be awesome.) Patti ended up down there to pick up Ellie. Brought us back Dp's it was awesome. Good things happen on the compound. :) Shauna and Bret were out cleaning their boat. So had a chit chat with friends while making sure Steve and Ken were on it. Had some good laughs. Ran for rags so that Bushman's did not have to leave the comfort of their boat while cleaning.:) jk Anywho's it was nice to spend the day with your kids and friends, then have your husband come home, and then finish the day up with service and friends. Oh and a good DP from Walkers.
That is what makes a great life.Church, service, family, and Friends. Those 4 items will give you more in life then....Money, cars, homes, or any material thing. All those items stay here when you die, but the others never change and are always there present in this life and the next. That is why I am so happy. I figured out true happiness and not material happiness. It is almost life changing.
A while back Patti gave me a picture all framed of her and I. We had a planning meeting for our field trips on my boat. The picture was taken then. I just wanted to share the picture and tell her thanks. I receive things from friends from time to time and it makes me happy too. Not the material thing but the fact that they are thinking of me and love me too. Shauna made me a calendar to keep track of each day of the week and what is going on. It is awesome. You write on it with dry expo markers. Lexi made me snow cones, all are service that was done for me. And I am thankful and honored to have such great friends. Thanks to all my friends for the service, friendship, and laughs I get to share with or receive from you. You all mean lots allot to me. Life is good! AND.......Lake Powell is just a week away and I am so excited to go........ I know this post is all over the board but had allot to say and my mind was jumping from one thing to the next.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Floating the River
I went out on the boat yesterday with Ali and Patti. Here are a few photos. It was so windy. We did not stay out long. It has been a fun summer. Friends, Family, and Fun!

Floated the River again today. I love that lazy river. Had a blast. I am just having the best summer. With not working this summer I thought I may be board out of my mind. But thanks to a few good ideas and a few good friends it has been great. The best part I have been with my kids. These last 2 photos are a pic of some of us that went to float the river with me
Sunday, July 12, 2009
4th of July in Delta
Last minute we decided to go to Delta for the 4th. Ken had a long weekend and we wnated to do something fun. I was glad we went to Delta.
We rented a house on the lake and had a blast. Our own private beach front with lots of toys. On the morning of the 4th we went to town to watch the parade and let the kids gather candy. The parade was just the right time lenght. After the parade we went back to the house and played all day.
Delta has a big to do on the 4th, the whole town shows up.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Summer Fun

I am really having a great summer full of fun. Yesterday we floated the river in Leamington, Utah (population 217). I have been on a field trip each week since school has been out with my friends and family. We have gone on 3 hikes in the past month, floated a river, went to a museum, and to the matinee movie each week. It gets the Mom's out and the kids doing something fun with other kids. The ages range from less then a year old to 19.
I just love it when I see a 15 or 16 year old helping a 4 year old and they are not even related. All the older kids pitch in and help the mom's with younger children. It makes you feel like something is good in this world still and we are raising our kids to know that helping and giving service is a great thing.
Our first Field Trip a hike to Battle Creek Falls

Next we went the "This is the Place Heritage Park. A live museum. Meaning that the people that work there run the whole town of salt lake in the year 1865. It is awesome. You really need to go check it out if you have never been.

We hiked to Upper Silver Lake on Monday night for a FHE. Awesome. The hike is long and up hill but the lake is well worth it once you get up there. The beauty of nature is amazing at the lake.
And...............Yesterday we floated the Siever River in Leamington Utah. It was cute to see all the city folks go to this small town. The river is lazy and it was perfect for the little kids. I personally had a blast. I love the water! A townsmen put a rope across the river and rock steps to get out. He also made a walk way with a gate and has solar lights on the path. Small town people can be so thoughtful. I really appreciate that his fellow took the time to do this. It makes floating the river so much better.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Cuteness and Service

I was on facebook and my brothers David's wife Sandy had posted these pics of my cute cute nephews. Look how cute they are. I miss them lots and plan on going to see them this summer or fall.
I was thinking tonight of my brother David and his cute family. When I think of David I am usually in awe. He is one of the most awesome guys there are. I cannot tell you how service oriented, giving, and dedicated to family he is. There are not words to express this.
When there is a issue with anyone in the family he is on the next plane out. My Papa was dying and David was there, My Uncle Drew was dying he was there, My Dad was sick he was there.
My family is lonely he is there. Someone needs money he is ready to give. And his sweet life knowing David lets him go or goes with him.
I am always second guessing if I should go or not. Not David, while I am wondering he has already booked a flight and headed to the airport. He lives in Michigan and travels all over the country. He could be in DC today or Oregon tomorrow. I think he should buy stock in Delta or Southwest. But nothing stops him. He knows what "called to serve" means and goes.
I am amazed by his dedication to family. Not that I do not have love for my family but the example he is to me is like looking at a person that has perfected what heavenly Father meant when he said "SERVE YOUR FELLOW MAN".
My Papa was dying and he was there staying with him. I could not get over the fact he was passing from this life to the next. I was paralyzed by trying to think of what am I going to do with out him. That he was actually passing. It brought back so much feeling into my heart from when my Nana past that I could barley except what was happening.
When my Uncle Drew died in May. David was there spent all day and night with him. Helped him through what was happening and prayed for him. I remember talking to my Mom and David was still by his side as he was getting worse by the hour. Giving everyone that was there a break from being tired and having difficulty letting him go. He died of cancer and had a very painful exit from this life.
I was thinking back today on where David learned this example and I came to the conclusion that my Papa and Nana taught this to us. David has just been able to perfect it. My Papa was one of the most giving people I have ever come across. He lived to the age of 101. Only a few months from 102. He dedicated his life to service of family and others. He would do all he could for anyone. When he died I know heavenly Father was proud of him. He led a great life and was able to touch allot of people.
My brother David makes me proud of him for the example he is to me and my family. I am sure our Heavenly Father is proud also. My Papa and Nana I am sure look down at him and are proud also for his greatness. David you are a Awesome Brother and thanks for all you do for your family. You truly are a Great Man!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Haylees' Dance Little Michael's Broken Arm and Manti
I was going to the Manti Pageant yesterday with my Filed Trip Group and Chrissy and I had the wrong dates for Haylee's Dance Recital. but all work out. Shauna Van took my boys early with the gang and I stayed back and went to the Recital. It all worked out in the end. I was so glad that I did not miss it. She is so cute. I love that GIRL!
She does such a great job and looks so cute dancing. I love going to her dances. Grandpa came home early too. Just to see his little Haylee. When she saw Grandpa coming she was in a dead run to meet up with him. Her and Grandpa have a special relationship. Both Chrissy and Haylee know how to work Ken. It is cute to watch them always pull one over on him. He melts when it comes to those 2 girls. Me not so much. When he sees me coming he sews his wallet up and post a sign "Bank Holiday" sign on his chest. :)
They did a "Cat in the Hat Dance". Great Job by ALL!
Isn't she the cutest. She is 5 and going to school next year.

Little Michael broke his arm falling out of our trailer the other night. We were up the canyon for Ken's Birthday and Fathers Day camping. He looks so cute with his little arm in a cast. He has not let it stop him one bit. He is even known when he gets mad at Haylee to hit her on the head with is arm now. Doesn't take them long to figure out how to bug a sibling does it?He is so cute. I just love this little guy. I taught him when he was young to put his head on my shoulder and I would say "Oh Loves" Now when he is tired or first comes to see me he gives me "oh loves" Chrissy says I am the only person that he does this with. That makes me feel like I have a Special Grandma moment with him. I love those special times with my kids and grand kids. I wish I enjoyed more of the times I had with my kids when they were little. I guess being a grandparent is your second chance to get it right.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Fathers Day Weekend
We went up to the American Fork Canyon for the fathers Day Weekend and also Ken's Birthday. The weather was not the best but...... We do have a camper and that makes it easier when the rain comes. We had rain all day Saturday. I thought the trailer was going to turn into a boat and float away.
The guys fished and relaxed. I relaxed and went back down the canyon for church on Sunday.
All in all we had a great time. Ken finished a book I finished the details for Young Conference and felt like we were having a pretty great time.
On Sunday late Trent and Tyler Searle came up to camp with us. The boys all had a good time. Last night we were doing the smore thing when........I saw some eyes by the rocks where we were camping. I asked the boys if they all could see something over there???? Well turns out I was not tired and we all did see something. I decided to save myself and ran for the trailer. Trent and Nic decide to be hero's and take flash lites after it. Tyler and Taylor stayed at the camp fire. I think they may of been to scared to move. Ken is a sleep as usual when something exciting happens after dark. I was totally freaked out as the camp host told us bears have been seen already this camp season. Like there is no enough food up high, why they need to come down and have us for a snack is what I want to know. So we were all getting freaked out and after not finding what it was all the guys end up back in the trailer. Big men they are..:) Nic wanted to go back out so he opens the door to the trailer..... I was behind him trying to look out the door. He makes some kind of bear noise....I jump to the ceiling and scream. I am pretty sure Ken told us to knock it off and go to sleep. After the good laugh at my expense no one ventured out side again and I went to bed while the boys stayed up and watched a movie.
This morning the boys went fishing. Had no luck. Ken caught a few fish while he was there. He is quite the fisherman. I do not know when he has not caught something while fishing. Taylor caught 2 fish and was happy with that. All in all it was a great weekend.
Oh besides the part when Chrissy and Mike came up for Ken's Birthday Dinner and Little Mickie fell out of the trailer and landed on the steps. Broke his arm in 2 places. He gets a hard cast tomorrow. He was a tuff little guy though. Sorry Mickie hope you fell better soon.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sometimes I am bugged.
I am really bugged and need to post about it. Sometimes I get this way. I am bugged because some people no matter what you just cannot get them to open up or be friends. What is it? I have a ton of friends and to be honest, they tell me how much fun I am . I am very talkative. I just feel like no matter what they look or think of me as something I am not. I am not sure but they just keep me at bay. Like they only have contact with me or talk to me when they are forced to. I am really bugged and not sure what to do about it. I am sick of trying and it just upsets me when I do and there is no response on their side. I just need to quit even trying to be there friends.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Field Trip, GIrls Over Nighter, and MEN!
On Friday We all got up and went to the Timpanogos cave. It was one of our field trips we are taking this summer. The kids loved it and the hike was long and straight up. . We had a really good turn out. After the hike we had a picnic across from the cave in the picnic area. I have lived in American Fork for 19 years and that is the first time I took my kids to the cave. I am really loving the field trips and all the family and friends that show up.

After the hike and picnic we all took our kids home and packed up for a "Girls Over Nighter" in Park City. 16 of us went and spent the night in a condo. It was great fun! Did not get to bed till like 3 am.
Sometimes it is so great to just get away with out MEN! I live in a full house of MEN.
I am not sure I can remember what it was even like to have another girl in the house anymore. The MEN in my life seem to rule. I was thinking about how I can rule the house. I always get voted out.
When I came back from Park City the MEN had fishing poles in hand and ready for me to go with them to the canyon and fish. Really you want me to spend the rest of my R and R weekend fishing? I am not sure if they do not think about what girls like to do at all or if they are trying to turn me into a guy.
First off I went to bed at 3 am. Second off I came home to a messy kitchen & front room ,and Third off what part of me reeks "I want to go fishing"? MEN! They do not get it. When is the last time I came home and the house was as clean as I left it? Oh wait NEVER! Maybe if you thought to clean it in stead of think I am maid service I would be more in the mood to deal with guy stuff when I come home. Or really..... I came home and you all took a nap for 3 hours and I guess I cannot have one being WOMAN and all . They think I am some kind of SUPER HERO that can go with no sleep. I was with girls for a full 24 hours shopping and laughing. Do you really need to suck all the girl out of me by saying "lets go fishing" "we have been waiting for you?????" Please let me reek of girl for a bit. You really do not need to suck it all out and turn me back to one of the guys to you?
I just want to for once come home and have the house clean, all the guys sitting waiting for me to tell them about all the fun I had, and say I am so glad you had a great time you deserved it" Oh like that will ever happen. Can you say WAKE UP your DREAMING!
I do love the MEN in my life. BUT.... sometimes remember.... I am Girl! I need to reek of girl sometimes.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Chilly at the Cabin
Shauna called us up and wanted to take us to the cabin this last weekend. It sounded fun even though we would miss church on Sunday. We had a blast played cards and watched movies.
The weather was more like fall. This summer is really a mild one. Today it is only 56* and cold. I have wore a fleece jacket most of the day. My boat is sadly parked on the side of the house. I am pretty sure it is crying for attention but what can I do? Mother Nature doesn't like me much anymore.
Ken and Nic hanging out
Taylor riding his motor bike
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Cruise
We went on a cruise to Mexico with some friends. Not really some friends but like my BFF"S. :) It was a blast. Shauna Bushman brought these over to me today so I thought I would post some. I was remembering the Karaoke Bret did and the late night ice cream cones that I think Greg made one like a foot and a half tall. We had so much fun. We need to do another couples vacation again. Here are the pics.
Ken thought he was styling with his new duds
Dinner at our table on the cruise ship for our Captain's Ball

The Three Amigos
The Three Amigos
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