I was on facebook and my brothers David's wife Sandy had posted these pics of my cute cute nephews. Look how cute they are. I miss them lots and plan on going to see them this summer or fall.
I was thinking tonight of my brother David and his cute family. When I think of David I am usually in awe. He is one of the most awesome guys there are. I cannot tell you how service oriented, giving, and dedicated to family he is. There are not words to express this.
When there is a issue with anyone in the family he is on the next plane out. My Papa was dying and David was there, My Uncle Drew was dying he was there, My Dad was sick he was there.
My family is lonely he is there. Someone needs money he is ready to give. And his sweet life knowing David lets him go or goes with him.
I am always second guessing if I should go or not. Not David, while I am wondering he has already booked a flight and headed to the airport. He lives in Michigan and travels all over the country. He could be in DC today or Oregon tomorrow. I think he should buy stock in Delta or Southwest. But nothing stops him. He knows what "called to serve" means and goes.
I am amazed by his dedication to family. Not that I do not have love for my family but the example he is to me is like looking at a person that has perfected what heavenly Father meant when he said "SERVE YOUR FELLOW MAN".
My Papa was dying and he was there staying with him. I could not get over the fact he was passing from this life to the next. I was paralyzed by trying to think of what am I going to do with out him. That he was actually passing. It brought back so much feeling into my heart from when my Nana past that I could barley except what was happening.
When my Uncle Drew died in May. David was there spent all day and night with him. Helped him through what was happening and prayed for him. I remember talking to my Mom and David was still by his side as he was getting worse by the hour. Giving everyone that was there a break from being tired and having difficulty letting him go. He died of cancer and had a very painful exit from this life.
I was thinking back today on where David learned this example and I came to the conclusion that my Papa and Nana taught this to us. David has just been able to perfect it. My Papa was one of the most giving people I have ever come across. He lived to the age of 101. Only a few months from 102. He dedicated his life to service of family and others. He would do all he could for anyone. When he died I know heavenly Father was proud of him. He led a great life and was able to touch allot of people.
My brother David makes me proud of him for the example he is to me and my family. I am sure our Heavenly Father is proud also. My Papa and Nana I am sure look down at him and are proud also for his greatness. David you are a Awesome Brother and thanks for all you do for your family. You truly are a Great Man!