So I have been doing allot of Family History Research as of late. It has been really surprising what I find at each turn in the page. Last month I found my Dad's half brother. It was a wonderful time for all of us. He is going to come out and see the family soon. I cannot tell you what a emotional and wonderful thing this has been. My dad lost his sister last month and we found a brother. God's timing and hand in all things leaves me sometimes so grateful to have him in my life and to know that he loves and helps us all.
This week I found a bible in Arkansas that is over 200 years old. Sitting in a museum. My wonderful ancestors founded a town and helped in building and settling a area of Arkansas. I have found countless kin on ancestry.com.
I found this picture in a photo book. So even though it means nothing to anyone. It makes me smile and puts names to faces of my long lost ancestors I am trying to find and make a great history book for my Uncle when he arrives the end of the month.