Why is it that when we get down we just shout , scream, and cry foul. Sometimes from the mountain tops, other times on the big world of the web, and sometimes just to any that will listen? But when we have "Sunshine in our Souls" we do not always take the chance to be heard and spread the word of the Gospel and love that it puts into our lives?
I was thinking I did a lot of complaining in my trails this past year and told all that would listen. But now that I totally feel like a new person and have made myself right in spirit. How is it that now I am happy in heart, that I am more out to try and say high to someone I see or go out and about and be happy . BUT I lack what I should be doing ....And this is spreading the word and make others as happy as I currently feel. Am I scared someone may suck the happiness out of me? I am just so happy and I am OK so I don't wan tto rock the boat? Or is it that I have talked so much about my empty heart to everyone that I feel like I need to stop and soak in the sunshine and shut my mouth? Not really sure .....but I think it maybe that when we are upset we scream to all and when we are happy we tend to act like it is riches and wealth and we keep it to our selves not knowing how long it will last until the next trail comes our way. But today I decided that sharing and caring will keep the "Sunshine in my Soul" and if I share a little I will get 10 fold back . Even filling my heart more until truly my heart will burst of God's loves for all. So I am spreading my Sunshine and I hope that when you come into contact with me that you leave me feeling better then you arrived. Is the Gospel not the greatest thing in our lives? I just love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)