Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's been so long!!!

It has been so long since I have actually made a post. I have taken lots of fun pics this Summer but failed to upload and post any of them:(. I should have a few up by next week. I really need to blog about my great Summer!
Not to much to report on my blog right now. School has started and I am back to my alone time and it feels good, but lonely on other days. I want to re deco my house this fall and winter and paint rooms some new colors. I need to start on that soon so I will be ready for my Christmas Deco date in Nov.
Oh I all most forgot the big news of the Month is that I am down to 1 child left at home! I am happy in some ways and sad in others. But oh my is my house quiet! Nic I am sorry but you and your friends are LOUD! :):) All my kids stop over daily so all is still right in the World!:)
I miss seeing some of you out in blog land. I really need to stay more on top of this. I will post soon.